The Passion Behind My Mission to Guide You to Online Success

From Visual Artist to Digital Artist

Meet Cyan — Your New Business Bestie

I come from a background in marketing and entrepreneurship, having successfully run my own handmade business since 2019, when I was just 20 years old. Within a year, I was able to quit my 9-5 job and focus on my passion full-time—Now here’s where it gets interesting.

Although my passion for business was still alive, my creative energies were spent. It was then that I realized my heart was no longer in my craft. I craved something new, but mostly craved a life that wasn't possible with my handmade business model. My search began.

From handmade goods—to travel advising—to SMMA and drop shipping.. and so many more, I never lost sight. Three years, and seven different business models later, I finally figured it out.

It was only after the many failures and thousands of dollars spent in investing, that I discovered what it was I actually wanted to do. I wanted something that would allow me to help people and make a difference in the world. Something that was strictly online and would give me the opportunity to travel and see the world (something I have dreamt about since I was a little girl).

Which is what brings me here to you today, to my little corner of the internet. Remember all those failures I was telling you about? Turns out, it wasn't a waste. Here's why..

I am extremely passionate about entrepreneurship, business, AND helping people! I now carry deep knowledge of all these different business models, how much capital it's going to take in the beginning, the types of skills you'll need to pursue it, how long it will take before you start getting traction, what's beginner friendly and what's not. And now...

I proudly get to help aspiring entrepreneurs find their true calling in the online space and avoid all the silly little mistakes (and thousands of dollars lost) I personally endured.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I can make you a millionaire over night. But, what I can tell you is that I truly do want to see you succeed and that I'd love to help you at least get started the right way. Whether you have big or small goals, I'm here to help you make sh*t happen. I bring 5 years of invaluable experience to the table, and now, I want to help your bring your dream business to reality.

Changing the digital world

I strongly believe in building an authentic business that is a reflection of who you are at the deepest level. You simply cannot have your dream life if you're doing something you hate. Some will disagree.. ( I think they're just in denial ). Think about it for a second.. When you're doing something that truly light you up and that gets you excited everyday, work will no longer be something you can't wait to be done with. Life becomes much lighter in every aspect once you got your career nailed. It is my mission to help make this happen more effortlessly.

Read the Blog

Explore different side hustles, and different ways to make money online in a way that feels good to YOU.

Here's what our customers say

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Clarice Turner

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Brian Moten

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Joyce Gould

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